Frequently Asked Questions
Q - Do you offer Delivery Service?
A - Unfortunately, we no longer offer Delivery Service. If this changes in the future, we will share those details on our website.
Q - Do you provide desserts for large parties or weddings?
A - YES! We are happy to fill large orders for your special event. Because we are a small family owned and operated company, large orders require at least 2 weeks notice.
Q - Do you offer discounts for wholesale orders?
A - YES! If you are a wholesale customer or restaurant owner, please contact us for full details. Bulk retail orders may also qualify for wholesale pricing discounts. Please contact us for details.
Q - Do you offer Nut-Free products?
A - Unfortunately no. Because of the handmade nature of our items, and our daily use of nuts, we can not guarantee that our bake ware has not come into contact with nuts, or nut products.
Q - Do you accept custom orders?
A - Within reasonable limitations we are able to make minor variations to items already available in our product list. IE- Omitting coconut or raisins, switching from pecans to almonds, etc…
We do not accept custom orders for items that we do not currently offer in our product list. During periods of high-volume orders, we may not be able to accommodate custom order requests.